Features | tCheck 2 base | Flower & concentrate kit |
Requires tCheck 2 base | ||
Compound by volume measurement | Yes | Yes |
Coconut oil | Yes | |
Butter | Yes | |
Olive oil | Yes | |
Alcohol | Yes | |
iOS app | Yes | Yes |
Android app | Yes | Yes |
History log | Yes | Yes |
THx and CBx breakdown | see below.. | |
Plant material | Yes | |
Concentrates | Yes |
tCheck CBD vs THC Testing
A frequently asked question is how to test CBD and THC on the tCheck when there is no setting to choose beforehand. Below is the current status as of 2019/02/01.
Strains with a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio will not work until the latest update is sent. Most strains are either predominantly CBD or THC. For example, with 2-3% CBD and 18% THC, the device will give the THC reading because it is the dominant cannabinoid. CBN or CBG are naturally pretty low and aren’t being tested for.
An update is planned that will display decarboxylation completion and display both THCa and THC results.
Reach out to support and tCheck can look up the device and give specific information for previous tests.